Acworth Railroad Crossings are now 'silent'!
The Kennesaw Watch picked up on an MDJ article which relates that in Acworth the 5 crossings are now ‘silent’, no train whistles like we have in downtown Kennesaw.
Although it seems that it took years to get this to happen and a good few bucks spent, they got it done.
Is Kennesaw working on something like this in conjunction with CSX. I don’t think Kennesaw needs 5 crossings to be silent, I have in mind the one downtown right across from the Revival apartment complex.
That particular downtown crossing has always been a problem, mostly for 18 wheelers that get stuck on the tracks several times a year.
Anything going on about a redesign or at least getting the ‘silent’ part taken in hand?
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Kennesaw has both of your questions already in the plans and will rely on SPLOST funds to complete just as Acworth.
Acworth has five (5) crossings in their downtown area while Kennesaw has only one (1) ~ Cherokee Street. Acworth decided to upgrade each of the crossings to address the train whistle noise. Kennesaw has chosen a different solution to silence the whistles while addressing several other needed improvements ~ A new bridge.
Kennesaw has a railroad bridge crossing on Main Street just south of Cherokee Street. Plans call for a second bridge crossing north of Cherokee Street close to Moon Station. Once this is completed, the crossing at Cherokee Street will be closed thus eliminating the whistle noise and errant truck crossing.
Besides eliminating the train whistle and trucks, the bridge will tie into the Cherokee Street expansion. The expansion is meant to assist in moving traffic and eliminating downtown traffic as it is a much-used route for crosstown traffic.
Finally, eliminating the Cherokee Street crossing will allow for a better design and usage of the future Depot Park.
Several weeks ago the City decided to post 30 three hour parking signs downtown.
Subsequent info from a City Councilman revealed that it would only be enforced around the Revival on Main street apartment complex and on the first floor of the parking garage which is part of that Revival complex.
Seems that the City wants to put up a lot of totally useless signs in areas that they do NOT intend to enforce that 3 hour parking limit.
You want to see useless signs you don't have to go to downtown Atlanta, you can just drive around downtown Kennesaw. Signs and install cost about $50 each.
Kennesaw City Council considers fiscal 2017 budget
Anthony White MDJ
KENNESAW — Kennesaw city employees can expect a 3 percent raise and residents can expect the city’s 9.5 millage rate to remain the same if the Kennesaw City Council approves a proposed fiscal 2017 budget of $28.3 million.
Even though the city proposes to keep the tax rate the same as last year, the city’s tax revenue will increase by 5 percent due to an increase in the value of property in the city limits.
The proposed budget, which covers the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 and ending Sept. 30, 2017, is 2 percent or $581,196 less than the existing 2016 budget.
The 2017 millage rate of 9.5 mills is the same as the city’s 2016 millage rate. According to city officials, this will amount to about $760 in property taxes on a house appraised at $200,000.
Although the millage rate will remain the same, there will be no cuts in city services.
Kennesaw’s proposed 2017 general fund budget is $21.1 million, a decrease of 1 percent or $247,587 less than the existing fiscal year general fund budget. The general fund covers operational expenditures for the mayor and city council, city departments such as police, fire, the city manager’s office, city clerk, parks and recreation, finance and human resources.
The general fund budget also sets aside a rainy day/reserve fund of $250,000.
The proposed budget for the Kennesaw Police Department is $5.5 million, a $60,532 decrease from last year’s budget. City officials say the 2017 budget will fund 70 authorized positions, the same as last year, and fund a new police auxiliary unit to support special events and projects at a cost of $60,000.
The number of full-time positions with the city will rise from 215 in the current year to 217 in the 2017 year, according to city officials. One full-time position will be deleted and three full-time positions will be added for a net increase of two full-time positions. The new positions include a digital communications specialist, building and facilities manager, and a horticulture technician.
Part-time positions with the city will decrease from 20 this year to 18 in the new budget, due to the elimination of two part-time jail cook positions.
The City Council is scheduled to adopt the budget at its regular council meeting on Sept. 19.
That house valued at $200,000 with a $760 City Property Tax is misleading. The owner will still owe Cobb County Tax of about $2,000 more unless of course they have an age exemption in addition to their normal homestead exemption if they occupy the residence.
Kennesaw is the only City in Cobb to bill separately for City tax, everyone else lets Cobb Tax do the dirty work, so Kennesaw owners get 2 separate tax bills every year, everyone else just gets one tax bill.
The Al MaaAl Maad Al Islami Mosque, Newton County is the most recent source of conflict. Information on this is found at:
Kennesaw may well end up with another go around on our own Mosque issue as the Suffa Dawat Mosque on Jiles Road has outgrown the 3 leased units in that strip mall.
While they own 3.6 acres of land less than a mile away, so far they have not had the funds to actually start building. When/if they do secure the money you will probably see the same protests that we had 2 years ago in Kennesaw and similar to what is now going on in Newton County.
Kennesaw Police Body Cameras

Has the issue of individual body cameras come up for KPD?
What is the City position on expending funds for this and if it is going forward what will the cost be?
Are there ‘grants’ available from the Federal Govt to assist in their purchase?

Currently we have 20 body cameras for our officers. The original purchase was in the 14/15 budget with 4 cameras funded with Court Projects funds. We received additional body cameras with car cameras in the 15/16 vehicle purchases through a vendor incentive with each car camera we purchased – there was no additional cost for the body cameras. (free).
We have a current order in place for an additional 20 cameras (including chargers and docking stations) as part of the 15/16 annual budget funded from the Court Projects fund.
With this order we will have 40 body cameras in total. Each officer is issued a cameras daily as we start each officers shift. At the end of each shift that camera is then cradled for charging and downloading.
We will continue making annual purchases as replacements and staffing needs are warranted utilizing seized funds, court services funds or court projects funds. This will allow for us to purchase the most advanced cameras as technology improves. This is the same as we have done with in-car computers and cameras.
Kennesaw approves downtown parking changes
The Kennesaw City Council unanimously approved imposing a three-hour time limit for certain public parking spaces in the city’s downtown at its meeting Monday.
A three-hour time limit will apply to 225 public parking spaces from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week in downtown Kennesaw on Main and Lewis streets next to the BurgerFi and Trackside Grill as well as around the Revival on Main Street development.
Mayor Derek Easterling said the plan was a “team effort” that came from an assembled group of business owners, residents, employees of local businesses and city residents.
“I want everyone to know this is more than just the city’s plan,” Easterling said in an email. “Multiple meetings were held, questions were asked and answered and concerns were addressed. The changes allow us to efficiently utilize downtown parking resources for businesses, residents, and visitors.”
An estimated $1,500 will be spent to construct 30 three-hour parking signs to be installed near the affected spots. Several parking areas downtown will remain unchanged and will not have time restrictions.
Though a time limit will be imposed, parking will still be free, and adherence to the new changes will be enforced by Kennesaw police as part of its officers’ normal patrol.
“Public parking is an expensive and scarce resource, and we don’t charge users for parking. Our goal is to continue providing free, safe and convenient parking for everyone,” said Easterling.
Councilwoman Yvette Daniel said she thinks the changes will be good for the area and will help local business and residents.
“I think (the time limit) will actually open up the opportunity for it to be more workable for people that are there,” she said. “Most people eat a meal or go to a store during that time … and it will be something better for residents so they don’t have to keep circling and circling (while looking for a space).”
The fine for violating the three-hour limit for the first time is $25 if paid within five days and $40 after five days, according to the ordinance adopted by the City Council. If ticketed again within 180 days of the first offense, the fine increases to $50 if paid within five days and $75 if paid after that period.
A third ticket will require a fine of $100, which jumps to $150 after five days.
After 180 days of the first offense, the fine schedule starts over, according to the ordinance.
If a vehicle has accumulated five or more parking unpaid tickets, the city can tow and impound it, the ordinance states.
In addition to the new parking time limit, the City Council also approved an agreement with the City of Kennesaw and the Kennesaw Downtown Development Authority to add more public parking downtown.
A 10-year ground lease makes 24 parking spaces at 2980 Lewis St., available to the public the site of Dr. Bruce Hester’s dental practice.
An additional 23 spaces set aside for the practice’s staff and patients during business hours will be available in the evening and on weekends.
The city will commit about $18,000 from the city’s general fund to the KDDA to make improvements to the lot in exchange for the use of the spaces.
Over the next month, the city is planning to inform businesses, residents and the general public about the changes, and according to Easterling, signs are anticipated to be posted early this fall.
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Parking Downtown
I see that now there is a time limit of three hours between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. for those parking downtown or at City Hall. Here are some questions on this topic-
1) How will this be enforced?
2) Will Kennesaw Police now be writing parking tickets? If tickets, how much will they cost?
3) Will the City now hire traffic wardens/meter maids?
4) Are parking meters next?
5) How many new signs will clutter up downtown?

1) How will this be enforced?
It is planned to have on-duty officers who already patrol the area to utilize a license reader. This will allow the officers to time parking as they patrol the area the next time.
2) Will Kennesaw Police now be writing parking tickets? If tickets, how much will they cost?
There will be first time warnings then in the event any person is found to have violated the parking time limits:
~~ Such person shall be subject to a fine of $25.00, if paid within five (5) days and $40.00 if paid after five (5) days.
~~ However, if a person is found to have violated the parking time limits twice within 180 days of the first offense, such person shall be subject to a fine of $50.00 if paid within five (5) days, and $75.00 if paid after five (5) days.
~~ And the third or later citations, if received within 180 days of the first offense, such person shall be subject to $100.00 if paid within five (5) days and $150.00 if paid after (5) five days.
For any new tickets received after the 180-day period, the parking fines above shall revert to the "First Citation" status.
3) Will the City now hire traffic wardens/meter maids?
No ~ See first question.
4) Are parking meters next?
Nothing has been discussed or are in the plans for meters at this time or in the near future.
5) How many new signs will clutter up downtown?
There will be a few. The only place timed parking will be posted and enforced will be all street parking around Revival and the lower deck in the parking structure.
Photo: Burger Fi, upper deck

Something here for those interested in Mosques in the US:
1) ‘How to Start a Masjid’ (Keys to managing a Successful Masjid) 67 pages:
2) ‘Controversies Over Mosques and Islamic Centers Across the U.S.’ Sept 2012, 22 pages. Summary of 53 Mosque and Worship Center problems.
and of course info on the Kennesaw strip mall and their plans for a new and larger Mosque less than a mile away: and their suit against the City of Kennesaw (Hint: Kennesaw lost) at:
Just in case you didn't get enough Mosque information regarding the Kennesaw (Suffa Dawat) problem, a similar problem is developing on the other side of Atlanta, also in a rural area, go take a look at:
_____________________________Kennesaw Residents Give City High Marks, but say traffic improvements are needed
Jon Gargis MDJ 8/14/16
Kennesaw survey results:
Kennesaw residents gave their own city high marks in many areas in a recent survey sent out this spring, but nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said improving traffic conditions should be one of the city’s highest priorities.
Just over 400 Kennesaw residents responded to the six-page survey, sent to random households throughout the city of more than 33,500, according to the most recent Census data. The survey was conducted on behalf of the city by ETC Institute, a Kansas-based market research firm, at a cost of about $15,000, said Pam Davis, city spokeswoman.
The survey asked respondents to rate their satisfaction with the city and many of its services, from public safety to maintenance, city communications to parks and recreation, with many of the areas measured on a five-point scale — 5 being “excellent” and 4 “good,” with 3 being “neutral.” Negative ratings were noted by a “below average” 2 or “poor” 1.
Of those who gave opinions on their feeling of safety in Kennesaw, 88 percent gave the city positive marks of “excellent” or “good” — 12 percent points higher than the national average of 76 percent. The city got similar marks on the overall quality of life in the city, with 86 percent of opinions positive.
“I think the community believes the city’s in the right direction and we’re making progress. That’s what it says to me,” said Mayor Derek Easterling of the results, which were presented to the City Council at its Aug. 1 meeting.
Easterling said he believed the positive marks in those areas could be attributed to the level of customer service provided by city operations when residents call or come in with concerns or issues.
“But I also think it’s our police department engaging the community, the community recognizing that our police are there, they make their zone patrols or they’re in their neighborhood — they live in the neighborhood,” Easterling added. “To me, that speaks volumes — when you recognize your officers when they’re not in uniform, when they live in your community, that makes you feel good.”
While most surveyed residents felt their city was safe, one organization’s data released earlier this year seemingly supports respondents’ beliefs. This past March, Kennesaw placed sixth on the list of safest cities in Georgia from, a public safety focused organization. Kennesaw, along with second-ranked Acworth, were the only two Cobb cities to make the top 10, though placing in the top 50 were Smyrna (26) and Powder Springs (46).
The survey also saw respondents give a 90 percent favorable rating to the city’s parks and recreation facilities and programs, an 83 percent positive response to police services and a 71 percent favorable rating regarding maintenance of city streets.
But it was what happens on those streets that earned the city’s lowest marks. Just 45 percent gave positive marks in the area of management of traffic flow and congestion, with 31 percent giving dissatisfied responses. Just under a quarter of the opinions were neutral.
Easterling said traffic is an ongoing issue in the city.
“My offhanded comment when we had the presentation was, ‘Welcome to metro Atlanta,’” he said. “I don’t blame them for rating it low, I don’t like sitting in traffic, but we have to put up with a few things while everything’s under construction.”
The mayor said current road projects underway in the city include repaving on Cherokee Street and examining traffic flow off Rutledge Road.
“We’re trying to wrap our hands around it and trying to make it better,” he said. “I think something as simple as timing of lights, we’re working on it.”
The survey was a first for the city, Davis said, adding that the goal was to provide scientifically valid data that would be a more effective basis for officials’ planning than opinions or conjecture.
“We wanted to find out what our constituency actually thought about the quality and level of city services being provided and what they felt was most important to them,” Davis said. “The objective of the survey is to help in the planning process so it isn’t intended to produce immediate actions. But we were pleased that the results validated our hard work and effort in every category.”
The complete survey results can be downloaded from the city’s website,
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