Anonymous asked Jim Sebastian:
Mosque Question
I saw this question asked on Facebook, but did not see your response. Would you please address this issue. Thank you.
Q) As I recall the approval for the Suffa Dawat Mosque/Worship Center was phrased as a ‘variance’ for 24 months of usage. We are approaching the end of that period now.
Did they in fact get a 2 year variance or did they just get total approval with no specified time limit?
Jim Sebastian • reply
Get the Story about Kennesaw
In April 2015 , to ensure compliance with all Federal laws, including the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (commonly referred to as RLUIPA) and to bring the City of Kennesaw into compliance with recommendations made by the Department of Justice, the Mayor and Council unanimously amended the Kennesaw Code of Ordinances Appendix A, Chapter 2, Sections 2.02.03 “Table of Land Uses- Residential Districts” and 2.02.04 “Table of Land Uses – Non-Residential Districts.”
This conformity was made to allow for Religious Assemblies (defined as a site or facility maintained by a bona fide religious groups) for the primary purposes of religious worship, study, prayer or other religious practices of such religious groups.
Religious assemblies include but are not limited to churches, mosques, synagogues and temples in residential and non-residential districts. As these uses are now allowed, there are no limits on times or durations of use.
Letter to all tenants:
Anonymous asked Jim Sebastian:
Mosque Question
I saw this question asked on Facebook, but did not see your response. Would you please address this issue. Thank you.
Q) As I recall the approval for the Suffa Dawat Mosque/Worship Center was phrased as a ‘variance’ for 24 months of usage. We are approaching the end of that period now.
Did they in fact get a 2 year variance or did they just get total approval with no specified time limit?
Jim Sebastian • reply
Get the Story about Kennesaw
Get the Story about Kennesaw
In April 2015 , to ensure compliance with all Federal laws, including the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (commonly referred to as RLUIPA) and to bring the City of Kennesaw into compliance with recommendations made by the Department of Justice, the Mayor and Council unanimously amended the Kennesaw Code of Ordinances Appendix A, Chapter 2, Sections 2.02.03 “Table of Land Uses- Residential Districts” and 2.02.04 “Table of Land Uses – Non-Residential Districts.”
This conformity was made to allow for Religious Assemblies (defined as a site or facility maintained by a bona fide religious groups) for the primary purposes of religious worship, study, prayer or other religious practices of such religious groups.
Religious assemblies include but are not limited to churches, mosques, synagogues and temples in residential and non-residential districts. As these uses are now allowed, there are no limits on times or durations of use.
Letter to all tenants:
August 10, 2016
Revival on Main
2825 S. Main Street
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Dear Residents:
We are pleased to announce, effective today, Wilkinson Real Estate Advisors will assume management of Revival on Main Apartment Homes. Wilkinson Real Estate Advisors, Inc, is a Georgia based company that manages approximately 6,600 apartment homes in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee.
We encourage you to drop by the office and introduce yourselves and discuss any concerns that you may have regarding this transition or your apartment. It is our goal to provide the best possible professional customer service and to exceed your expectations.
You may have questions about the possible ways to make payments. We plan to utilize the same resident portal that you have been using! Your current user ID and password will allow you access. Any recurring auto payment option that you currently have set up will continue effective September 1st. Access to the resident portal should be available on August 17th. Please do not attempt to use the payment portal until after this date. Once active you can access the portal through this link: The property website will look different, however the resident portal will look and feel just as you’re used to. We will happily assist you with setup if you are new to using this online payment portal. In addition to the online payment portal, you can also make payment in the office with a personal check, money order or cashier’s check. We also accept MoneyGram payments. Keep in mind that we do not accept personal checks for late rent. For your convenience, additional clarification of payment information will also be distributed in the near future. Please continue to make all payments for rent, utilities and other charges to Revival on Main.
We would also remind you that for all after hour’s emergency calls you should continue to call the office number: 678 883-3736.
We appreciate that you chose to make your home at Revival on Main and strive to ensure that your living experience here is pleasant.
Thank you,
Debra Millwood
President and COO
Wilkinson Real Estate Advisors, Inc.
(Note: This firm is rated at D+ by the BBB. Will problems continue at Revival?)
Davey Crockett
Taxpayer Money Being Wasted on Useless Courses for New Council Member
Ethics Question
New Council member Daniel will attend a 6 day $2400 ARC program 9/25/30. This was approved by a 5-0 vote in Council on June 20th. In effect she voted for her own 6 day vacation.
Why do Council members vote on issues that benefit them?
Didn’t the City Attorney cover this sort of ethics issue for the new members and if he didn’t why not.

Earlier in the year, the Council voted for the Leadership Cobb program for one member (Mayor or Council) to attend. At that time, there were no known members chosen. Ultimately, none were selected for the upcoming nine (9) month class.
Unbeknown to most of the Council, Ms Daniel applied (or was nominated) for the ARC program and was accepted. The vote you are referring to was to apply the $3,000 set aside for the Leadership Cobb program for the ARC program. There needed to be a vote as it was an unbudgeted item.
As a side, there are no funds in the upcoming budget allocated for these events. Each member has a set allowance for classes/travel and that is it. You can track each elected officials spending via an Open Records Requests. You will find some spend everything they have while others spend next to nothing.
We were not advised by the City Attorney regarding the specifics of who could vote or not vote on this issue as it was considered a generic fund. Given she took the route of asking for forgiveness rather than notifying and getting approval of the Council ahead of time is something you need to address with her.
Appreciated (2)•
Even if there was no formal ‘Introduction to Ethics’ provided by the City Attorney, it should be obvious to anyone with connected brain cells that if a course of action is going to benefit a serving Council member that said member should avoid casting a vote on the issue.
Also it would have been nice had others on the Council suggested that if she wanted to go back to her old S. Georgia neighborhood for 6 days that she should pay for it herself.
$2,400 is a lot of taxpayer money for a new council member, for a Mayor, maybe but what use is this for one of 5 council members? This sort of pork barrel stuff should not happen.
Hopefully the City didn't issue her a credit card. Her past bankruptcy and large debts should be enough to make a credit card out of the question.
I recall that in the closing days of the old mayor Mathews administration he wanted to get an expense paid trip to some place out west for a conference and even the old City Council had enough guts to say that the City wasn’t going to pay for the trip. He went anyway but had to pay for it himself.
A pretty poor showing that this new Council wasn’t even up to the minimal standards of an old Council.
Let's see.If I'm correct, and. Daniel has been in office for seven months and has gone on two long distant trips on tax payers dollars. Not to mention th spending hike on those trips. Now we see she is attending another program, all in her first seven months. She's requested additional monies for education and travel - all TAX PAYERS dollars.
Exactly who monitors the Mayor and Council spending? It's very evident Ms. Daniel has found her cash cow in the Kennesaw government and most citizens are just to naive to see it, or they simply don't care.
Ms. Daniel campaigned on transparency, financial stewardship, and honesty. Appears it was typical politician rhetoric. Does Kennesaw really have that much excess money to be paying for a "government funded lifestyle" for this Councilmember? Are people afraid to confront Ms. Daniel or the Council regarding the spending taking place with this new Council? This ARC program is not mandatory, it's a luxury. Are we to continue to pay for the political career plans of a local politician with a questionable past financially and educationally.
Didn't the prior Council reduce the Mayor/Council budget around $32,000? Now Ms. Daniel is requesting to increase it for her personal/professional benefit? With her bent on 100% disability, she can't work and draw a paycheck, so she chooses a profession in politics for the "recognition".
How can he citizens stop this erroneous spending by the "tribe" before it's too late, and put those dollars where it's most needed?
Davey Crockett says:
Don't forget to keep up with her at:
Bankruptcy Information for current/past/candidates for City Council/Mayor
Davey Crockett I have found that some folks are 'known by' their middle and last name and omit the first name, others may use a nickname rather than their full name, this applies to the first 2 below. Also you may need to check various 13 Federal Circuits if they have lived outside of Georgia (11th Circuit), ie: Jimmy Dickens from NC (4th Circuit).
08-61529-crm Charles Derek Easterling and Dawn Michelle Easterling
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: C. Ray Mullins
Date filed: 01/31/2008 Date of last filing: 07/27/2009 Date discharged: 06/02/2008
Date terminated: 06/02/2008
04-71201-mhm George Leroy Grumbein and June Lula Grumbein
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Margaret Murphy
Date filed: 07/09/2004 Date of last filing: 10/16/2004 Date discharged: 10/14/2004
Date terminated: 10/14/2004
02-11284-JSD Yvette Daniel
Case type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Hon.: John S. Dalis
Date filed: 04/17/2002 Date of last filing: 08/26/2005
Date terminated: 08/26/2005
09-74712-mgd Timothy Alan Killingsworth
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Mary Grace Diehl
Date filed: 06/07/2009 Date of last filing: 10/20/2012
Debtor discharged: 09/18/2009
Date terminated: 10/18/2012
09-73096-mgd Mark Rea Mathews and Betsy Kaye Mathews
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Mary Grace Diehl
Date filed: 05/21/2009 Date of last filing: 04/01/2010
Debtor discharged: 10/22/2009 Joint debtor discharged: 10/22/2009
Date terminated: 03/30/2010
98-68112-pwb Matthew John Riedemann and Beth Paulson Riedemann
Case type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: Paul W. Bonapfel
Date filed: 05/07/1998 Date of last filing: 04/10/2006 Date discharged: 01/26/2002
Date terminated: 04/22/2002
01-21396-RBR Nimesh Patel
Case type: bk Chapter: 7 Asset: No Vol: v Judge: Raymond B. Ray
Date filed: 03/05/2001 Date of last filing: 09/10/2001 Date discharged: 07/10/2001
Date terminated: 09/10/2001
11-64956-pmb Brigette Pennington Washington and Anthony Washington
Case type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: Paul Baisier
Date filed: 05/19/2011 Date of last filing: 06/08/2016 Plan confirmed: 03/08/2012
95-00426-5-ATS Jimmy Devall Dickens and Cindy Denise Dickens
Case type: bk Chapter: 13 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: A. Thomas Small
Date filed: 04/07/1995 Date of last filing: 12/21/1995
Date terminated on the ‘Debtors Motion to Dismiss’: 12/29/1995
Misc: A very old filing may apply to another council member but records are not clear enough to be sure the case is for this person.
Print out and Save:
(Main Number 770-424-8274)
City Manager: Jeff Drobney
Human Resources: LisaRae Jones
Parks & Recreation: Doug Taylor
Planning/Zoning: Darryl Simmons
Police Department (Dispatch)
A week ago an inquiry was emailed to the City of Kennesaw, flagged to be forwarded to 'Code Enforcement' with copies to the Mayor and Council, asking if the usage of the mosque was in violation of their agreement for the variance, in that on Friday afternoon the attendees to the mosque completely filled the parking lot (except for a few coned/reserved spaces for other units) and over flowed to the Publix parking lot next door.
No reply from Code Enforcement, one reply from a Council member acknowledging my inquiry.
Kennesaw City Council votes to adopt millage rate, not to pursue debt owed
KENNESAW — The Kennesaw City Council approved a resolution
see info on Daniels at
Swift Wheels was founded by June Ellen Wick as Swift Wheels Skateboard Shop and Snack Bar it was a community Skateboard Shop located at 3081 Old 41 Hwy Nw, Kennesaw, GA 30144, just across the street from the Swift-Cantrell Park in Kennesaw, GA.
Mrs Wick pledged 25K to the City, was unable to complete payments and the City sued her for the pledge towards the park. The MDJ story ran 1/19/10 "Kennesaw sues skate shop over $25,000 pledge". Mrs Wick and Miles Stanton ran the internet site 'Kennesaw Watch' for some years, it was down for some months, reopened under the Editorship of failed Kennesaw Mayoral candidate Debbie Williams and it was then closed down again. The new Kennesaw Watch 30152 has no connection to the old Kennesaw Watch.
Kennesaw sues skate shop over $25,000 pledge
By Kim Isaza, Jan 19, 2010
KENNESAW - The city of Kennesaw has filed suit against the owner of Swift Wheels Skate Shop, demanding $25,000 that was pledged for a temporary skateboard ramp.
June Wick, the owner of Swift Wheels, responded in Cobb Superior Court on Jan. 11 that she needs more time to hire an attorney.
The city argues in the civil suit that Wick signed an unsecured pledge agreement on Oct. 29, 2008, stating that she would give the city $25,000, in two payments, "for the costs associated with the installation of a temporary skate ramp facility located at Swift Cantrell Park in Kennesaw."
The first payment, of $10,000, was to be made by March 31, 2009, and the second payment, of $15,000, was to be made on Sept. 30, 2009, according to the agreement. The agreement also states that in the event of default or breach, "Maker promises to pay fees and court costs, whether judgment is rendered or not."
Randall Bentley, the city's attorney who practices in his family's firm - Bentley, Bentley and Bentley - said the city built the temporary ramp that now stands at Swift Cantrell Park based on Wick's pledge. The park is on Old Highway 41 near Jiles Road.
The temporary ramp opened for public use on Nov. 1, 2008.
Wick said that she alerted the city's finance director, Gina Auld, and other city officials as soon as she realized she would not be able to make the payments.
"I was under the impression that as long as I worked with them, it would be all right," she said. "I had every intention of paying when the economy gets better."
She also said she had been helping the city in other ways, such as by donating prizes for various city-sponsored events. She estimated she had spent $8,000 on such materials, and questioned why the city is pursuing litigation against her small business.
"If they get what they are asking for, it will put me out of business and may force me in to bankruptcy," Wick said.
Bentley said the city is willing to negotiate with Wick. "I'm always willing to talk any kind of resolution," he said.
A skate park committee has raised more than $30,000 for a permanent skateboarding park inside Swift Cantrell. Initial plans were for a $1.5 million park, and there have been talks for the city and the county to assist with financing, though with the economic downturn, that has been put on hold.
Swift Wheels, Incorporated is a Georgia Domestic Profit Corporation filed on February 1, 2008. The company's filing status is listed as Admin. Dissolved and its File Number is 08009422.
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Wick, June E. and is located at 2381 Deerfield Drive Nw, Kennesaw, GA 30144. The company's principal address is 3081 Old 41 Highway, Kennesaw, GA 30144.
The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is Wick E. June from Kennesaw GA.
Castle Lake MHP - Bridge to Nowhere:
The Castle Lake trailer park remains, although about 2/3rds of it was sold and is being developed at the Kenesaw Marketplace mall, by Fuqua Development, LLC.
The 1/2 bridge will eventually lead from the developed shopping center to whoever or whatever ends up developing this last 22 acres of property, it is likely to be a retail development.
Still winding its way through the Cobb County Superior Court is a suit by 12 former residents of the Castle Lake Mobile Home Park, who are asking for their civil action to be considered as a 'Class Action'.
The CLMHP Defendants threatened eviction, either expressly or implicitly, to all tenants who did not promptly pay the illegal fines, thereby extorting payment from each tenant. Illegal fines sometimes exceeding the amount of the tenant's monthly rent payment.
Note: The next Court date has been set for July 22, 2016. Plaintiffs are represented by the Carroll Law Firm.
See details at:
Still winding its way through the Cobb County Superior Court is a suit by 12 former residents of the Castle Lake Mobile Home Park, who are asking for their civil action to be considered as a 'Class Action'.
The CLMHP Defendants threatened eviction, either expressly or implicitly, to all tenants who did not promptly pay the illegal fines, thereby extorting payment from each tenant. Illegal fines sometimes exceeding the amount of the tenant's monthly rent payment.
Note: The next Court date has been set for July 22, 2016. Plaintiffs are represented by the Carroll Law Firm.
See details at:
Fall opening for many stores is expected.
3.62 acres already donated. Fund raising started for:
Masjid Suffah, 6045 Pine Mountain Road, to replace the strip mall mosque at 2750 Jiles Rd, Kennesaw. The property with a FMV of $134,400 was donated to the Mosque by Kashif Rashid Rana, Kennesaw, and on 4/6/16 a demolition permit was issued for the existing abandoned shell of a house. The property belonged to Mary Estelle Holcombe and was sold by her estate to Mr. Rana (Parcil ID: 20016601430).
The Below article appeared one year ago:
Neighbors react to plans on moving mosque in their neighborhood
None of the Revival retail spaces have been rented out. These units were put in to make the proposed development a more attractive project for the City to consider.
Now that the project is finished the Developer has little interest in following through with rentals for small businesses. They claim that they have some interest on part of the rental of 2 units for food outlets.
It is well past time for the rentals to be filled. Although the City can not make the developer rent the spaces they could and should make it clear to the Developer that the units are important to downtown development and need to be rented a.s.a.p.
The ‘new’ Suffa Dawat Mosque to be built at 6045 Pine Mountain Road. The 3.62 acres (161,000 sq ft) has set aside 200 spaces for parking.
The Mosque land was donated to them by Mr. Kashif Rashid Rana of Kennesaw.
Due to an almost total shortfall in donations for this new center it will be years before any construction could start.
Yeah, didn’t think so.
But if the current elected crop of politicos in Kennesaw continues to do no
more than cash their pay checks and get their noses out of joint over being
criticized we might look back of the prior administration as ‘the good old
So you folks up their on the dais - try to do something positive for a
We don't need any more screwy ideas like making the Kennesaw City Cemetery
into the Kennesaw City Dog Park.
Hey Doc, stop listening to your daughter, there is a reason she isn't on
the Council anymore!
Initially information was given by the mosque backers that they would have at most 80 worshipers for their main service on Friday afternoon in the 2 rental spaces at the Kennesaw Commons Strip Mall, 2750 Jiles Rd location.
Since then they have expanded their rental to another next door unit which is suppose to be used for the women, bringing the total rented space to 3,300 sq ft.
Photos taken in July 2016 on the “28th Night of Ramadan” at 11 p.m. show only the men’s side, which is the original 2 units (2200 sq ft) and show at least 106 people, considering the remaining area not shown, probably there are 130 (+/-) plus an unknown number of women in the remaining unit.
While the County Fire Dept had initially established the maximum number allowed under their regulations at an unrealistic 315 for the original 2 units, you can see that the facility is well above the actual physical capacity of the rooms and the parking lot during both Ramadan and their normal main service on Friday afternoons.
The original City variance for use of the property as a Mosque for 24 months still has a few months to run but there is no indication that any other facility is being prepared for the expiration of the approved 24 month usage.
A careful look at the photos will show that there are conceptual drawings of the proposed Mosque to be built at 6045 Pine Mountain Road, the design shows 3 minarets and a dome. The 3.62 acres (161,000 sq ft) has set aside 200 spaces for parking.
Whether this new million dollar Mosque is ever built, in the proposed configuration or otherwise, it clearly would be impossible for it to be ready for several years. The donations are very minimal, hardly enough to pay the rent on the current location.
Mosque leadership has been critical of worshipers for their lack of contributions.
This despite their own leadership being composed of several multi millionaires, one of which is Abdul Kareem Amer, who is also in the news recently for being the spokesman for the East Cobb Islamic Centers building of a cemetery for 6-7,000 plots in Powder Springs on MacLand Road.
The immediate Kennesaw concern is that their Friday service exceeds the available strip mall parking.
Near term concerns are for what happens when both their lease and agreement with the City of Kennesaw for the 24 month variance runs out.
Long term concerns are for construction of the new Suffa Dawat Mosque on the land donated to them by Mr. Kashif Rashid Rana of Kennesaw.
Previous dealings with this Mosque have not been satisfactory and have cost the City $18,000, a Federal lawsuit and an international black eye.
With 5 of the 6 elected City posts now held by newly elected representatives perhaps some clearer thinking will emerge on how to deal with the referenced issues.
If not then it will be another round fought out in the press and probably the courts.
Kennesaw will probably find out shortly with a large influx of new restaurants in the Kennesaw Marketplace shopping center.
As you may recall, Fuqua Development is putting in a large regional shopping center on 52 acres of the old Castle Lake Mobile Home Park. 23 acres of CLMHP still exists but in coming years this will probably also go retail and of course a part of the Fuqua project is suppose to be for townhomes (don’t hold your breath for this).
So we have 8 existing restaurants at the corner of Cobb Pky and Barrett Pky soon to be joined by at least 11 more on the Fuqua development.
Can 19 restaurants (probably more to come) find enough hungry people to stay in business?
I guess we will find out before long.
Already there are 8 on the East side of Cobb Pky:
Taco Bell
Burger King
Tom and Cheese
Whistle Stop
Taco Bell
Burger King
Tom and Cheese
Whistle Stop
and soon going into the new Kennesaw Marketplace shopping center, located just across Cobb Parkway, will be at least 11 more:
Burger 21
Freddy's Steakburgers
Newks Cafe
Panda Express
Smoothie King
Volcano Steak and Sushi
Which Wich
Zoe's Kitchen
Freddy's Steakburgers
Newks Cafe
Panda Express
Smoothie King
Volcano Steak and Sushi
Which Wich
Zoe's Kitchen
This will provide a lot of new, but low paying jobs, for the area. By the end of 2016 there will be at least 19 places to eat, mostly fast food, but both the Whistle Stop and IHOP are sit down and order restaurants.
Rebuttal: “Welcome to the most backwards town in America”
On July 31st, 2015, media-based news company NowThis posted a video to their Facebook page entitled “Welcome to the most backwards town in America.” The minute-long snippet showcases our own Kennesaw, GA, in obvious malcontent, mentioning the Fed-Ex shooting, infamous gun law, and racism that supposedly runs rampant in our municipality to prove that the city is the worst in the country.
First, the video calls out the Kennesaw law that they quote “says every household must own a gun (with a few exceptions).” Unsurprisingly, NowThis fails to look into the exceptions.
In 1982, as a response to an Illinois town’s law prohibiting gun ownership, the City of Kennesaw passed an ordinance that states, “(a) In order to provide for the emergency management of the city, and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.
(b) Exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who suffer a physical or mental disability which would prohibit them from using such a firearm. Further exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who are paupers or who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine, or persons convicted of a felony.”
Therefore, citizens of Kennesaw, to protect the city, must own a gun and ammunition unless they are disabled, cannot afford it, boast a criminal record, or simply do not want to. If one opposes owning a gun, the law does not require it.
The ordinance passed as way to protest the way that Morton Grove, Illinois deprived its citizens of their Second Amendment right by prohibiting the ownership of handguns. The fact that it keeps Kennesaw’s crime low remains a happy side effect. So low, in fact, that from 1982 to 2009, Kennesaw saw only one murder, which occurred in 2007, according to Gary Demar, citizen and journalist for Drawn from data on the city’s website, Kennesaw’s crime index, a way of comparing crime rates used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, proves lower than that of Acworth, Marietta, Woodstock, Powder Springs, Smyrna, Emerson, and Hiram, to name a few.
Local citizen Chuck Baldwin perfectly sums up the utility of Kennesaw’s gun ordinance: “What is even more interesting about Kennesaw is that the city’s crime rate decreased with the simple knowledge that the entire community was armed. The bad guys didn’t force the residents to prove it. Just knowing that residents were armed prompted them to move on to easier targets. Most criminals don’t have a death wish.”
As for the mosque debacle, which the video portrayed as another of the city’s flaws, Kennesaw refused the building initially because of concern over traffic problems it would create in the strip mall, and suggested the mosque move to a better location. True, protestors did show up at City Hall as the story got out of hand, but how can NowThis judge an entire city on the actions of a few?
If the company believes such actions are acceptable, can I say that everyone in Columbine, Colorado supports school shootings? Of course not. Just because a citizen decides to protest does not mean that represents the feelings of all.
Furthermore, NowThis’s vague video interview use—the unnamed man’s statement, without the context of the video, tells us basically nothing—does not help to support their claim at all.
When it comes to not judging an entire city on the actions of one, the KSU snafu falls under the same category. While we do not know anything about what happened before or after the video was taken, we all can understand that the scenario shown in the video proves unfair Just because one person takes one stance does not mean it represents the entire town’s viewpoint, and even more, it does not mean one can discredit the city’s college.
Kennesaw State University still investigates the video today and the university put the academic advisor involved on probation until they further solve the problem. We do not know everyone’s side of the story, so therefore reporting will inevitably be biased, but obviously, NowThis does not appear worried about biased reporting.
Next the video comes to my personal favorite part, where it declares in bold yellow letters that the Kennesaw’s “main street is home to 2 Civil War museums” while showing a video of a Confederate Flag pulled from a Newsweek article. Apparently a town cannot teach about the Civil War, especially when the event remains an important part of its history.
Then we get to the most expected part: the mention of the Kennesaw Wildman, local Dent Myers, who owns a shop in Downtown Kennesaw. What a perfect example of words’ capacity to skew media. NowThis writes that Myers’ establishment is a “popular KKK supporter’s store.” Dent Myers and his store are certainly famous, almost infamous, but saying that they are “popular” implies a loving connotation. Popular establishments are ones that everyone knows and loves. Most people in Kennesaw may know the Wildman’s store, but certainly not everyone loves it. In fact, most people have never entered the store before, myself included. I even felt surprised when the Newsweek video went in, as I had never seen the inside of the store before. Using Myers as a representative for every citizen in Kennesaw is ridiculous and invalid, and one would know this if they visited the town and talked to the people. Myers is a blemish on the city’s reputation that the citizens of Kennesaw must live with, but certainly not one that any of us likes.
Now this closes the video by advising everyone to visit Kennesaw unless they are “Black, Muslim, a student, or think not everyone needs a gun,” and then proceeds to show videos of African Americans, Muslims, students, and others in our lovely city. They did not even need me to invalidate their claim there.
As a journalist, striving to exist as an accurate and credible news source remains my highest goal. When a company like NowThis reports venomously on events and laws they do not understand, they put to shame news sources everywhere. Congratulations, NowThis, on adding validity to every terrible stereotype about the media while losing all of your own credibility. You win the title of “The Most Backward Journalism in America.”
Emily Selby MDJ 7/5/16
It’s been about a year and a half since the Kennesaw City Council balked at allowing a mosque to open in a strip mall, and since that time, mosque leaders say everything is “going great.
“It is so convenient,” said Dr. Nayyer Islam, president of the mosque, the Masjid Suffah of Kennesaw.
“It’s a great place for everyone to come together and meet each other. There are some people I didn’t even know were in the area that are coming here now.”
In December of 2014, the Kennesaw City Council voted 4-1 to deny a permit that would have allowed worshippers to open a Muslim prayer center in a strip mall on Jiles Road behind a Publix grocery store.
Protestors attended numerous council meetings about the mosque, carrying signs saying “Ban Islam” and “No Mosque,” and voiced concerns about the mosque spreading Shariah law.
After Doug Dillard, the attorney representing mosque members, threatened to sue the council for violating the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, council members reversed their decision and granted a 24-month permit.
Former Councilwoman Cris Eaton-Welsh was the only council member to approve the permit in the initial vote. She said she voted to approve the mosque because it was their “constitutional right to be there.
“The (mosque members) who came to that City Council meeting, they have been members of this community for 20, 30 years,” Eaton-Welsh said “They are your radiologists, your doctors, your dentists … I’m glad they have a safe space to worship. I don’t think it’s any different than a synagogue or chapel.”
Former Councilwoman Debra Williams, who initially voted against the mosque, said her opposition was based on the location.
“It was going in a retail space that had active businesses, and a worship center takes away from that. We need to put in businesses that complement each other,” she said.
However, Islam said the shopping mall is now thriving.
“The (shopping) complex where the mosque is located had one or two businesses back then, and as I was promising the city at the time, now the whole complex is flourishing,” Islam said.
Dream Body Inc, a personal training studio, moved into the strip-mall in May, and owner Seth Carver said that while parking had been an initial concern, business is good and the studio has about 150 sessions per week. (See:
“They are very courteous, they come over and put cones in front of our space so that nobody parks in front of our business so that way there’s parking for our clients,” Carver said.
Before the mosque opened, many Muslims in the area had to travel to other communities to worship.
Mosque board member Naser Omer, of Kennesaw, said “we were going and coming 10 miles each way, so that’s 20 miles, and some of the prayers are only ten minutes.” He called the mosque a great facility.
Nayyer Islam’s daughter, 18-year old Maha Islam, said before the mosque opened, her family traveled to Canton to a different Muslim community.
“It’s so nice having the mosque here. I didn’t know all the Muslims in this area and now I do,” she said.
Another mosque on Barrett Parkway in west Cobb is scheduled to open in about four to six months.
The Masjid Suffah, which sees about 80 to 100 members on its busiest day, is collecting funds to move to a permanent location behind the Walgreen’s pharmacy and Bank of America on Pine Mountain Road near Cobb Parkway.
Nayyer Islam said an architect, who is a member of the mosque, has already drawn up the plans for an 8,500-square-foot space with a larger worship area and multi-purpose space for kids to play. The property, which was donated to the mosque by a member, is about 3.5 acres and the new development will include about 200 parking spaces.
Kennesaw resident Eileen Alberstadt, who opposed the mosque’s opening in 2014 citing traffic congestion, said she is still concerned about traffic when the Pine Mountain Road location opens.
“I live on Pine Mountain and it’s a nightmare to get out of the subdivision,” Alberstadt said. “The traffic will be hell; it’s already hell now.”
Alberstadt and Williams also said mosque members tried to demolish a house on the Pine Mountain Road property, but did not have the permit and were forced to stop.
Because the project is privately-funded, it is difficult to pinpoint when it will be finished, Nayyer Islam said.
“If you wrote me a check today, I could start working tomorrow,” he said, laughing.
According to Nayyer Islam, the property already has the needed zoning and the final architectural designs will be submitted to the city for approval. The estimated cost for the Pine Mountain Road mosque is $1.4 million.
The mosque has a 24-month leasing period for the strip mall location which ends in about nine months.
“We told them at the time that this is a temporary thing and our permission is for two years, so we are going to obey our promise,” he said. “We are going to keep striving towards building the other mosque so it becomes a permanent thing where people can go.”
Nayyer Islam is hopeful to have more funds for the permanent mosque after Ramadan, a religious month for Muslims.
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk and practice self-restraint and self-reflection. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is celebrated as the month Muhammad received the revelations that became the Quran.
Each night during the holy month, the Masjid Suffah serves about 150 people with a four-course meal at sunset that is followed by prayer.
“Ramadan is about restricting ourselves from what is normally available. We restrict in everything, including lying and cussing,” Nayyer Islam said. “Those things happen from impulse and the purpose of Ramadan is to calm those impulsivities … the training for this month allows us to remember these things in the next 11 months. It trains us on how to be a good citizen.”
Food served varies night to night but often includes dates, meats, rice, bread and desserts.
“It’s a cool thing here because we have different Muslims from a lot of different countries. Everyone signs up to bring in food for Ramadan so we have a lot of different flavors,” said Maha Islam.
The end of Ramadan is called Eid and is a time for celebration. People dress up in colorful outfits and donate to the community.
Humaira Qhan, a member of the mosque who has lived in Kennesaw for 12 years, said. “We give alms to the poor and to the underserved so they can celebrate Eid with us.”
This year, funds donated to the mosque will be given to the community of Clarkesville, according to Nayyer Islam.
Also new this year for Eid, the Masjid Suffah gathered with other mosques in the area at Pine Mountain Middle School to pray and celebrate the end of Ramadan.
Additional Information at:
In addition to at least 2 large retailers, a car wash, barber shop, dental office and 2 banks it seems that IHOP and The Whistle Stop restaurants will have some additional competition for food sales with the new Kennesaw Marketplace, which is located just across Cobb Pky from the referenced 2 sit down restaurants and 4 other smaller fast food outlets.
Of the 27 announced tenants at Fuqua Development's, Kennesaw Marketplace, the 11 new food outlets will be in competition with the 6 existing restaurants:
Burger 21
Freddy's Steakburgers
Newks Cafe
Panda Express
Smoothie King
Volcano Steak and Sushi
Which Wich
Zoe's Kitchen
Freddy's Steakburgers
Newks Cafe
Panda Express
Smoothie King
Volcano Steak and Sushi
Which Wich
Zoe's Kitchen
The mixed-use
development will anchored by a Whole Foods Market, Academy Sports, restaurants,
banks and other specialty retailers.
Kennesaw Marketplace Tenants:
Whole Foods
Academy Sports
Aspen Dental
Burger 21
Cactus Carwash
Freddy's Steakburgers
Hobby Lobby
Luxury Nails
Mattress Firm
Medalyn Salon and Med Spa
Newks Cafe
Panda Express
PNC Bank
Quick Trip
Relax the Back
Smoothie King
Sports Clips
SunTrust Bank
U-Break I-Fix
Volcano Steak and Sushi
Which Wich
Zoe's Kitchen
Academy Sports
Aspen Dental
Burger 21
Cactus Carwash
Freddy's Steakburgers
Hobby Lobby
Luxury Nails
Mattress Firm
Medalyn Salon and Med Spa
Newks Cafe
Panda Express
PNC Bank
Quick Trip
Relax the Back
Smoothie King
Sports Clips
SunTrust Bank
U-Break I-Fix
Volcano Steak and Sushi
Which Wich
Zoe's Kitchen
Jim Sebastian - Get the Story about Kennesaw
Davey Crockett asked Jim Sebastian:
Is former Mayor and Councilman Leonard Church drawing a Kennesaw pension? I believe he would be able to draw about $585-$650 a month for life. Has Church applied for a pension, if so how much and is he able to get it despite his conviction?
REPLY: Get the Story about Kennesaw
Mr Church was (and still is) eligible for a City pension.
He began drawing his pension in June 2013 and is still receiving such.
I will have an exact amount for you as soon as provided by GMA, the program administrator.
Church started receiving City retirement in June 2013 in the amount of $408. When he became a Council member, additional time was calculated making his new amount $501.94.”
by Debra Williams
As of 12:30 today, qualifying closes for Kennesaw City Council Post 3. Nimesh Patel is the lone candidate and therefore will be sworn in and take office on April 4, 2016.
Best wishes to Mr. Patel in his endeavor on the City Council, and in the next 18 months I pray our City will be diligent in observing you, your word, your vote, and your actions, and find you worthy to elect the following four years.
Mr. Patel has served on the KDA prior to stepping down to run for Council Post 3, and I admire his respect for our City to serve on a Board prior to running in order to learn, comprehend, and experience the processes and learn the operations. It's unlike any job or volunteer work anyone has served in before, and nothing prepares you more than preparing yourself in the proper manner, and I thank YOU, Mr. Patel, for doing that.
What Mr. Patel has learned by serving on the KDA will benefit him greatly in this position.
To clarify a rumor circulating, the "bankruptcy" in Cobb Superior Court was based on an error with the credit card company and Mr. Patel challenged it and was found to be in the right. It was dismissed and Mr. Patel should not be held in a negative light for an error out of his control. (I pulled the records myself and reviewed all of them). Not everything someone posts is the full story, so I implore you to do your own research and not get wrapped up in the gossip/rumor mill and have it affect your judgement of Mr. Patel.
The Kennesaw Watch - Rumor has it, first of the Welsh minions to run for Post 3 seat, Nemish Patel.
Guess the 94% who stayed at home last election will do so again and allow Legacy Park to make all the decisions for the city of kennesaw.
Let's look at the seating:
Post 1 - Eaton (managed by Legacy Park)
Post 2 - Daniel (lives in Legacy Park)
Post 3 - Highly possible Legacy Park Resident and
close friend of Welsh, and Mayor - Easterling (following election, English Oaks was not good enough anymore and he's moving to . . . yep, Legacy Park!
There you go. Kennesaw Citizens, you have completely lost your voice!
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